Mešanica za ženske dōTERRA Whisper™ je posebna mešanica za ženske, ki oddaja nežno in mošusno aromo in pri topični uporabi ustvari individualizirano dišavo. • Vklopi in poživi čute • Nudi toplo, mošusno aromo • Vključi se v posameznikovo naravo in ustvari osebno dišavo (Mešanica eteričnih olj, 10 ml rollon) * Znižana cena s popustom je za vse, ki imajo odprt račun pri dōTERRI, višja cena pa je uradna prodajna cena. Za nakup po znižani ceni pošljite mail ali pokličite za več informacij.
dōTERRA Whisper Blend for Women is a complex and diverse blend that combines with each individual’s chemistry to create a uniquely personal fragrance. Each essential oil in the blend provides an inviting aroma of its own, but when combined, these oils offer a distinct scent that intrigues the senses of both the wearer and those passing by. Regarded as the most precious flowers in the perfume and aromatherapy industries, Jasmine and Ylang Ylang’s euphoric aromas combine with the warm and spicy scents of Patchouli, Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Cocoa to make this blend unmatched in complexity and aromatic influence.